



Paper, Ink




53 x 38 cm

Accession Number:

PAC : 186


Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014



Ownership history:

Gifted from the bequest of David & Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014; presented to The Pier Arts Centre, Orkney, 2014

This vertical silkscreen print, in red on blue, called Acrobats (1966) is a vivid example of the way in which Finlay used text as image, with the letters making up the title repeated at regular intervals across the sheet, the colours and composition wittily embodying the idea of energetic leaping and tumbling in mid-air. Ian Hamilton Finlay was a poet and artist, best known for his involvement with the sixties 'concrete poetry' movement, and latterly for his 'Little Sparta', the garden he created at his home in Lanarkshire. Although he took poetry into three dimensional formats, his earliest ideas were worked out in print, often with collaborators. Five of Finlay's prints given from the David & Liza Brown bequest in 2014 are a great addition to Pier Arts Centre collection.

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Artworks by Ian Hamilton Finlay

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Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014