This concrete art Sea Poppy II (1968), in which names of fishing boats are arranged concentrically, was initially published by Ian Hamilton Finlay's Wild Hawthorn Press as a screenprint. The names and port letters and fishing numbers of boats were obtained from issues of Fishing News, a weekly trade newspaper published in London relating to the sea fishing industry. Sea poppies, a bright yellow horned flower (Glaucium flavum, Fam. Papaveraceae) grow on the sea shores of Great Britain and Europe. Ian Hamilton Finlay also commissioned glass versions of Sea Poppy I and Sea Poppy II from T. and W. Ide, Glasshouse Fields, London E1 in 1968. Each was made in an edition of six; some were of plain glass and others were blue or amber. They are sandblasted glass poems, or concrete poetry, which can be placed on a windowsill, side-lit, and viewed from either side.