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One Painting (1999)

Angela de la Cruz

oil and alkyd paint on canvas

Tate, London, Liverpool and St Ives

One Painting (1999)





Oil, Canvas, Alkyd

Physical Object Description:

Creme-coloured monochrome painting with manufactured fold and slight tilt, installed at the side of the wall


370 x 300 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2013

Ownership history:

Purchased from the Wilkinson Gallery, London by Thomas Frangenberg (1957-2018) for the Contemporary Art Society, 9 March 2001; presented to Tate, 2013


Monochrome, Abstract

One Painting (1999) is a work from Angela de la Cruz’s early career when the artist was establishing the characteristic approach to painting for which she has become recognised. It is a large monochromatic canvas with an off-white surface. Hanging from the corner of a gallery at close proximity to the floor, the painting’s visible stretcher bars have been roughly broken on the left side and part of the canvas torn vertically. The work appears to have been crushed as its broken parts tilt tentatively from the corner of the gallery.

One Painting belongs to a defining body of work which the artist referred to as Everyday Paintings made between 1995 and 1999. Beginning life as rectilinear abstract paintings, these canvases were then subjected by the artist to unusual and often violent physical distortions. One Painting was originally purchased by Dr Thomas Frangenberg (1957-2018), private contemporary art collector, art history lecturer at the University of Leicester and on the CAS Executive Committee, for the Contemporary Art Society’s Distribution Scheme in 2001. The work was included in Contemporary Art Society’s exhibition ShowCASe at the South London Gallery in 2004, which went on to tour to Talbot Rice Gallery and City Art Centre, Edinburgh in 2005.

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Artworks by Angela de la Cruz

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