July Figure (Version 2) (1978-85)

Kenneth Armitage


The Hepworth Wakefield

July Figure (Version 2) (1978-85)

© Kenneth Armitage Foundation / Bridgeman Images hoto credit: The Hepworth Wakefield







83 x 21 x 50 cm

Accession Number:

WAKGM : A2.110


Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012

Ownership history:

Purchased from Beaux Arts, Bath by Eric and Jean Cass; by whom gifted to the Contemporary Art Society, 2012; presented to The Hepworth Wakefield, 201215 April 1987

The expressive qualities in Kenneth Armitage's figures invariably are shown through the way in which he articulates the hands and arms - an open or closed fist, the arms crossed or extended. Of the series of July Figures - there are four versions - Armitage wrote: ".. a series of figures that are different from others: they don't combine geometry and I call them the July figures, They were made from 1975 to 1982 and were all standing figures with one feature in common: the forearms were sticking out in front. The reason for this was that we had heatwaves for several summers; it was so hot that I noticed I was walking round the studio sticking out my arms rather than folding them. My sculptures followed that; they were bronze figures with black hair."

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Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010