Ascending Form (Gloria) (1958)

Barbara Hepworth


The Hepworth Wakefield

© Bowness. Photo credit: Doug Atfield







190.5 cm

Accession Number:

WAKGM : A2.119


Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010

Ownership history:

Gifted from the artist to a private collector; purchased by Eric and Jean Cass from Sotheby’s, London: Impressionist Part II, 25 June 1986 (lot 242); by whom gifted to the Contemporary Art Society, 2010; presented to The Hepworth (Wakefield Art Gallery, 1923-2010), 4 June 2010

Within the central, highly textured portion of the sculpture is the abstract form of a figure, which could be interpreted as being the figure of Christ ascending into heaven. Hepworth used the exterior portion of this sculpture in another work of 1958, Cantate Domino a much more open piece and slightly larger than this. During the late 1950s Hepworth experienced a great surge in her career. She was awarded a CBE in 1958, the year in which she made Ascending Form (Gloria). The following year she won the Grand Prix at the Sao Paulo Bienal, representing Britain.

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Artworks by Barbara Hepworth

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Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010