A Baby (about 1920) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Standing Nude (before 1950) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Still Life with Apples (before 1950) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Bathers in a landscape (before 1950) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Reclining Nude with Hat (about 1943) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Portrait of Nora (about 1930) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Cookham Dean, Berkshire (about 1930) Bequeathed by Nora Meninsky through the Contemporary Art Society, 2001 Bernard Meninsky
Round the table (1979) Purchased with the assistance of a grant from the Contemporary Art Society, 1980 Ray Kyte
Underworld (1979) Purchased by the Victoria Gallery and Museum, University of Liverpool with the assistance of a grant from the Contemporary Art Society, 1980 Christopher Mark Le Brun