Untitled (1993) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 Nina Saunders
Susan Smith. Ashbridge Rd. East London, Septembe... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 Craigie Horsfield
E. Horsfield. Well Street, East London, July 198... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 Craigie Horsfield
Authentic Reproduction (1988) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the V&A Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 John Kippin
Nostalgia For the Future (North Seaton, Northumb... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the V&A Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 John Kippin
Portrait (1993) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, with assistance from the V&A Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 Sivan Lewin
Landscape No. 268 (1994-95) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, the Friends of the Towner, Eastbourne Borough Council and Towner Contemporary Art, 1995 John Virtue
American Holiday (whole of 24 parts) (1995) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995 Lisa Milroy