Craigie Horsfield (1949) Biography Craigie Horsfield (born 1949 in Cambridge) is an English artist. In 1996 he was nominated for the annual Turner Prize. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: UK Nationality: British Artworks by Craigie Horsfield Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Photograph Susan Smith. Ashbridge Rd. East London, Septembe... Craigie Horsfield Photograph Squid (2003) Craigie Horsfield Photograph Fish, Cabbage, Bottles (2003) Craigie Horsfield Photograph E. Horsfield. Well Street, East London, July 198... Craigie Horsfield You Might Also Like Snacks 4 (2011) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with the support of Birmingham Museums... London Oyster Shells (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with the support of Birmingham Museums... In a Brown Study (2011) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with support from the V&A Purchase... Ridged Vessel (2014) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society's 2013 New Story of Craft Scheme with...
London Oyster Shells (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with the support of Birmingham Museums...
In a Brown Study (2011) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with support from the V&A Purchase...
Ridged Vessel (2014) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society's 2013 New Story of Craft Scheme with...