Untitled (1996) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2007 Alison Wilding
Studies for Menestho (1993) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 William G. Tucker
Study for Demeter (1991) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 William G. Tucker
X (1981) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 William G. Tucker
Study for Guardian IV (1983) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 William G. Tucker
Typewriter and Tennis Court (1981) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Bill Woodrow
Prayer (in memory of Tom Bendhem) (2004) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Lee Tribe
Head of Catherine Lampert IV (1980) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Frank Helmut Auerbach