Untitled (1981) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Geoff Rigden
Frozen Fabric: Bedford (circa 1980) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Plate (1986) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Stephen Buckley
Another Anchorage (1982-88) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Stephen Buckley
Tyre Cushion (1974) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Painting (1982) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2007 Christopher Mark Le Brun
Constructivist Clothes (6 sets) (1985) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton