Eva Rothschild RA (1971) Biography Eva Rothschild RA (born 1971) is an Irish artist based in London. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: Ireland Nationality: Irish Website: Visit the Artist's Website Artworks by Eva Rothschild Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Sculpture Wandering Palm (2011) Eva Rothschild You Might Also Like Minos (1962) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010 Ascending Form (Gloria) (1958) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010 Ovoid Variation No.6 (Peacock) Opus 404 (1980) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012 July Figure (Version 2) (1978-85) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012
Ascending Form (Gloria) (1958) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2010
Ovoid Variation No.6 (Peacock) Opus 404 (1980) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012
July Figure (Version 2) (1978-85) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012