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Noon (1936)






Physical Object Description:

Two reclining terracotta female forms leaning against each other. Inscribed 'Dobson' on base.


25.4 x 30.5 x 34.3 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1938

Ownership history:

Purchased by Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill (1898-1956) for the Contemporary Art Society, 1936; presented to the Tate Gallery, 1937


Female, Nudes

In a number of terracotta sculptures Frank Dobson explored the reclining female form which became a major subject for sculptors during the early part of the twentieth century. Dobson was influenced by such artists as the French sculptor Aristide Maillol (1861-1944), who had reinterpreted the classical tradition , emphasising the static and monumental qualities of the human figure. Noon (1936) conveys a sense of ease and tranquillity in a period of increasing menace, as the threat of fascism cast a shadow across Europe.

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Artworks by Frank Owen Dobson

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