And the trees start to blossom (Pandemic Diary s... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
The house opposite bought new blinds (Pandemic D... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
Nothing ever happens through this window (Pandem... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
The animals slowly take back the streets (Pandem... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
People not distancing. Only two miles away on th... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
Socialising (Pandemic Diary series, no. 18) (202... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
Home (Pandemic Diary series, no. 17) (2020) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
I’m going shopping (Pandemic Diary series, no. 1... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
Comfort eating again but let's call it a rest da... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm
New day New me (Pandemic Diary series, no. 14) (... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Rapid Response Fund, 2020 Phlegm