Bomb Stores (2 of a pair) (1942) Presented by Mrs Dinora Davies-Rees and Mrs Juliet Lamont through the Contemporary Art Society, 1987 David Garshen Bomberg
Bunny Lakes (007) (2000) Donated by The Cranford Collection through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Georgina Starr
Bunny Lakes (005) (2000) Donated by The Cranford Collection through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Georgina Starr
Nant Ffrancon Valley, North Wales (1980) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the bequest of M. M. Lapsley, 2009 Dennis Creffield
Brighton Pier: Summer Day (1974) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the bequest of M. M. Lapsley, 2009 Dennis Creffield
Kitty (from imagination) (1919 /1929-1930) Presented in memory of the artist by Mr and Mrs J. Newmark through the Contemporary Art Society, 1981 David Garshen Bomberg
Jim (Mr James Newmark) (1931) Presented in memory of the artist by Mr and Mrs J. Newmark through the Contemporary Art Society, 1981 David Garshen Bomberg
A Study of Buildings in Palestine (one of 8 from... Presented by Mrs Dinora Davies-Rees, the artist's daughter-in-law and her daughter, Mrs Juliet Lamont, through the Contemporary Art Society, 1987 David Garshen Bomberg
Monastery of Mar Saba. (one of 8 from Palestine ... Presented by Mrs Dinora Davies-Rees, the artist's daughter-in-law and her daughter, Mrs Juliet Lamont, through the Contemporary Art Society, 1987 David Garshen Bomberg