Untitled (circa 1999) Gift of the Estate of Joanna Price, donated by Bea and Clem Moyes; presented by the Contemporary Art Society 2019/20 Joanna Price
Model holding Face (Self Portrait) (circa 1983) Presented by the Estate of Jacqueline Morreau through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Jacqueline Morreau
Swimmer, Study (Two Boys in Water) (1989) Donated by the Estate of Jacqueline Morreau through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Jacqueline Morreau
She who Spins Study (1983) Donated by the Estate of Jacqueline Morreau through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Jacqueline Morreau
Fate Sealed (circa 1990) Donated by the Estate of Jacqueline Morreau through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Jacqueline Morreau
Fate with Roller, study (circa 1990) Donated by the Estate of Jacqueline Morreau through the Contemporary Art Society, 2018/19 Jacqueline Morreau