untitled: venicecolumns (2016/17) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through its Special Partnership with the Henry Moore Foundation, supported by Cathy Wills, 2018/19 Phyllida Barlow
Good form and Nice style (2003) Gift of the Estate of Joanna Price, donated by Bea and Clem Moyes; presented by the Contemporary Art Society 2019/20 Joanna Price
Fanny Ann, Revue: Freemasons (2015) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2019/20 Jade de Montserrat
Seven Stacks (Seven objects from the series S, R... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Omega Fund, 2020/21 Lisa Krigel
Zabludowicz Collection, London Since the 1990s, Anita and Poju Zabludowicz have been accumulating a 500-artist...
The Holly Peterson Foundation Established in NY, US and founded by Peter G. Peterson, a businessman...
Platter A gift from the private collection of Patricia Nichol Barnes; presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2020 Michael Ambrose Cardew
Untitled ceramic sculpture A gift from the private collection of Patricia Nichol Barnes; presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2020 Henry Pim
Large bowl A gift from the private collection of Patricia Nichol Barnes; presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2020 David Garland