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A Familiar Place (2000)

A Familiar Place (2000)

Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme on behalf of Mead Gallery, University of Warwick with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 2001

Layla Curtis
Frozen Sky (1999)

Frozen Sky (1999)

Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme on behalf of Mead Gallery, University of Warwick with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 2001

Langlands & Bell
Against Nature (2005)

Against Nature (2005)

Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme on behalf of Mead Gallery, University of Warwick with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 2005

David Batchelor

Untitled (1999)

Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, the Corporate Patrons of Manchester City Galleries and the Crafts Council, 2004

Thomas Schütte
5833 (2003)

5833 (2003)

Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme, supported by funds from Arts Council Lottery and Manchester City Galleries' Corporate Patrons, 2005

Jörg Sasse
9193 (2004)

9193 (2004)

Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme, supported by funds from Arts Council Lottery and Manchester City Galleries' Corporate Patrons, 2005

Jörg Sasse
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