White Linen Permutations (6 parts) (1995) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Figure Study 3-6 (before 2002) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Eugene Dodeigne
The Blue Crocodile (1985) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Zadok Ben-David
Blue Crocodile and Two Dogs (1985) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Zadok Ben-David
Untitled (1982) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Zadok Ben-David
Small Mollington Knot Cushion (circa 1975) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Rotating Spectrum Bands (1986) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Spectrum Link (1974-75) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton