Untitled 78 (1978) Given by Dasha Shenkman in memory of her mother Belle Shenkman (1928-1995), through the Contemporary Art Society, 2000 Stephen Buckley
Sir Michael Culme-Seymour Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, 5th Bt (1909-1999), naval officer and landowner...
Sunrise, Orwell, Suffolk (12 July 1991) (1991) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Sir Michael Culme-Seymour bequest, 2000 Maggi Hambling
Henry Moore Institute, Leeds The Henry Moore Institute, part of the Henry Moore Foundation, is located next...
Rothko Memorial Portfolio (1973) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2000 Bridget Riley
Rothko Memorial Portfolio (Black and white café)... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2000 Patrick Caulfield
Rothko Memorial Portfolio (1973) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2000 Adrian Heath
Rothko Memorial Portfolio (1972) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Nancy Balfour bequest, 2000 Victor Pasmore