The Robert Fraser Gallery, founded in 79 Duke Street, London in 1962, was a focal point for modern art in Britain, and through his exhibitions Robert Fraser helped to launch and promote the work of many important new British and American artists including Pater Blake, Bridget Riley, Jann Haworth, Richard Hamilton, Gilbert and George, Harold Cohen, Eduardo Paolozzi, Andy Warhol, Jim Dine and Ed Ruscha. Fraser also sold work by Magritte, Jean Dubuffet, Balthus and Hans Bellmer until 1969.
Fraser left the UK and spent several years in India during the 1970s. When he returned to London he opened a second gallery in 1983, with a show of paintings by the stained glass and architectural artist Brian Clarke and Jean-Michael Basquiat and Keith Haring. In 1985 however, he sold his Cork Street gallery to Victoria Miro.