Stout and Vegetables (about 1925) Allan Walton oil or watercolour Whereabouts unknown Brighton & Hove Museums (Brighton Museum & Art Gallery and Hove Museum of Creativity) Image is currently unavailable Details Classification: Drawing and Watercolour Materials: Watercolour Dimensions: 50.8 x 60.4 cm Credit: Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1927 Scheme: Gift Ownership history: Gifted by Edward Marsh (1872-1953) to the Contemporary Art Society, 1944; presented to Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, Royal Pavilion and Museums, 1927; whereabouts unknown Relationship: Whereabouts unknown Brighton & Hove Museums (Brighton Museum & Art Gallery and Hove Museum of Creativity) Edward 'Eddie' Howard Marsh Copyright The collection that owns this artwork may have more information on their own website about permitted uses and image licensing options. Close Artworks by Allan Walton Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Painting St Paul's (1923) Allan Walton Painting The Sand Boat (about 1925) Allan Walton Painting Landscape (about 1927) Allan Walton You Might Also Like Music (about 1915) Adam and Eve (before 1914) The Natives (before 1914) Family Group (about 1923)