House of the Rising Sun (2009)



Mixed media


3 : 5 minutes


Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society’s Acquisitions Scheme for Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford Museums and Galleries, 2009/10

Ownership history:

Purchased from the Mary Mary Gallery, Glasgow by the Contemporary Art Society, 30 April 2010; presented to Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford Museums & Galleries, 2010

The House of the Rising Sun — with a title strongly inspired by the American folk song made famous by the English rock group The Animals — tells the story of life gone wrong in New Orleans. The links to the recent tragedy is inescapable.

The projected silhouette of a mansion is affected by the simulation of the light from the sun throughout a day. A person appears to walk through the house as sunlight moves through the building casting shadows of the windows on to the floor and walls of the gallery. This a simple yet highly poignant work.

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