Sir Anthony Baruh Lousada (1907 - 1994) Biography Sir Anthony Baruh Lousada (4 November 1907 – 24 June 1994) was a British solicitor, artist and Arts administrator. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: UK Related person / Organisation / Artist: The Contemporary Art Society (CAS) , Government Art Collection, London , Tate, London, Liverpool and St Ives , Royal College of Art (RCA), London Website: Visit the Artist's Website Artworks donated and purchased by Anthony Baruh Lousada Painting Figure Composition (before 1972) Krishen Khanna Painting Composition No. II (1966) Benedict Rubbra Painting Landscape (1957) William Johnstone Sculpture Lord you made the night too long (1964) (David) Gwyther Broome Irwin Drawing and Watercolour Roviano (1958) Peter Lanyon Print Untitled No. 5 (1965) Bridget Riley Painting Meadow (1958) Anne Madden Print Untitled No. 10 (1965) Bridget Riley Load More