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Curators Day at Frieze (11 October 2024)

Friday 11 October, 11 am – late afternoon 
Frieze Art Fair, Regents Park 
London NW1 4HG 

Please note this event is for CAS Museum Members only. Members are eligible for a travel bursary fund.

Frieze Image

Join the CAS for our annual gathering dedicated to Frieze London. We will begin the day at 11 am, with a 45 min guided tour of outstanding projects and artworks within the fair. This will be followed by individual viewing, lunch, and an afternoon of special activities which we will soon confirm. Frieze Day is an opportunity for our museum members to get together, exchange ideas, and discover new artistic proposals and talent.  

We offer bursaries for transportation and access to Frieze London and Frieze Masters. To apply for a bursary please fill in the form by clicking on Reserve a Spot.

For further information please get in touch at paula@contemporaryartsociety.org 

More information soon!