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Nöel Evelyn 'Peter' Norton Lady (1891 - 1972)


Nöel Evelyn 'Peter', Lady Norton (b. Mumbai, India 1891 - d. 1972), daughter of Sir Walter Hughes and from 1927, wife of the diplomat and ambasssor in Athens between 1946 and 1951, Sir Clifford Norton (1891-1990), was co-founder, with her cousin Marguerita 'Rita' Strettell (1902-), of The London Gallery at 28 Cork Street in September 1936 until she sold it two years later to the Surrealists' champion Roland Penrose (1900-1984), as her husband was sent to Warsaw, Poland as Chargé d’affaires. After Hitler’s invasion on 1 September 1939, she departed for Switzerland and became an active and adventurous patron to John Craxton RA which continued when both patron and artist moved to Greece. After WW2, she was an early supporter of the ICA in London and remained an indefatigable and generous champion of young artists.


