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(Mohammed) Sadiq (1950)


Sadiq (b. Delhi, India 1950) attended the Delhi College of Art, University of Delhi in 1975, and the Slade School of Fine Art from 1982. He was awarded a National Cultural Scholarship in sculpture by the Department of Culture, Ministry of Education in the Government of India, and worked for two years with Professor Dhanraj Bhaggat a noted Indian sculptor. He creates organic forms primarily working with bronze. He was appointed to a two-year residency at The Delfina Studios Trust in 1990. He has exhibited in group shows at Beaux Arts Bath (1991), the IKON Gallery, Birmingham (1992) and the Hampshire Sculpture Trust Summer Show (1996). His solo shows have included at the New Art Centre, Roceh Court, Wiltshire (1989 and 1999) as well as Gillian Jason Gallery, London (1991). His work is held at the National Gallery of Modern Arts in New Delhi, and he has had commissions across the UK and in Europe.






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