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Christoph Zellweger (1962)


Christoph Zellweger (b. Lübeck, Switzerland 1962) is a jewellery designer who apprenticed with the goldsmith Wilhelm Reindl in his home town. He took evening classes in sculpture at Kunstgewerbeschule, Zurich and took a postgraduate degree at the Royal College of Art (1987-91). He set up his own studio in Zurich in 2003 whilst also being a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England. Recent solo exhibitions include at: Marsden-Woo Gallery, London (2016); Overbeck Art-Society, Lübeck-D (2014) and Off-Space Good Life, Zurich-CH (2013) and group shows includng 20:20 Visions whcih travelled to National Centre for Craft & Design, Sleaford; Sheffield Institute of Arts (SHU), the Goldsmiths' Centre, Birmingham, Crafts Study Centre, Farnham and Museum of Edinburgh (2017-18); Mixed Display at Marsden Woo Gallery, London (2017) and Body Jewelry at Textilmuseum St Gallen, Switzerland (2016). 






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