Anna Hunt (1946)


Anna Hunt (b. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 1946) is an embroidery / textile artist who studied Fine Art at the University of Newcastle on Tyne. Her exhibitions include De La Warr Pavillion East Sussex (2001); Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver, BC, Canada (2001); "British Art Show 5", Touring Exhibition, Hayward Gallery London (2000); "British Art Show 5", Southhampton City Art Gallery (2000); "British Art Show 5", National Museum of Whales Cardiff (2000); "British Art Show 5", Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Edinburgh, Scotland (1999); "Group Exhibition", Monte Clark Gallery Vancouver, BC (1999); "EAST International" Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich Gallery Norwich, UK (1998); "Loose Threads", Serpentine Gallery London (1998}; "What Difference Does it Make?", Cambridge Darkroom Gallery Cambridge, UK (1997) and "9th Oriel Mostyn Open" (1997). 






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