Physical Object Description:
View on lake surrounded by hills at dawn or sunset. 1926 Soft-ground etching with roulette work. Signed, dated: "Julen 1926" and annotated: "[...] som er mit første førsøk med etzet rullet sender jeg Dem Hr George Broehner i håb am at den vil intereser Dem. [... which is my first attempt with the etched roller I send you Mr George Broehner in the hope that it will interest you]".
Etching, Roulette
20.7 x 33.3 cm
Accession Number:
Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1928
Ownership history:
Purchased by Campbell Dodgson (1867-1948) for the Contemporary Art Society, with its Prints and Drawings Fund, 1926; presented to the Prints and Drawings Department, British Museum, London, 1928