Video: Aliza Nisenbaum discusses the act of portaiture, and how she integrates it into a more socially engaged practice

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Aliza Nisenbaum discusses the act of portaiture, and how she integrates it into a more socially engaged practice

A painting by Mexican-born artist Aliza Nisenbaum, who is known for her portraits of under-represented communities in the US, was commissioned by the Contemporary Art Society for Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery through the Valeria Napoleone XX Contemporary Art Society (VNXXCAS) initiative. The museum is receiving the work through this scheme after making a strong case for addressing the representation of female artists within their existing collections.

Aliza Nisenbaum will be discussing her practice with Oliver Basciano, International Editor for ArtReview, on 15 April at Central Saint Martins. Click here to book your free place.