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Eagle Place: Clare Woods

Clare Woods

The Details

*Consultancy was appointed by Stanhope PLC and The Crown Estate to acquire a major work for the reception foyer of their new building at Eagle Place in central London.

Significant research and consultation led to the selection of Clare Woods‘ magnificent painting Difficult Field. This 3 x 4 metre work is characteristic of Woods’ approach to landscape painting, with strong multi-hued washes overlaid by bold gestural sweeps of colour that give a depth and texture to the work. The painting complements the elegant interior fit out designed by Eric Parry Architects.

Clare Woods is internationally recognised for her landscapes of overlooked locations: places no longer cultivated, where nature begins to run its course again. Visually ambiguous and psychologically-charged, Woods continues a robust tradition of British landscape painting from Turner to Hockney.

*Consultancy commissioned Woods to execute a major piece of public art for the Olympic Park in 2012.

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