Our public art and cultural strategies are robust frameworks for the future, offering practical guidance and sustainable methodologies for delivery. Generated through a collaborative and listening approach, our work builds trust within communities and a shared vision for better places. Arts and culture are essential components in successful development - making places where people want to be and contributing to long-term economic and social return. We offer strategic approaches to the integration of quality public art and cultural programmes that bring life to our towns and cities. Our approach is people-centred, developed collaboratively with stakeholders and communities to deliver sustainable creative futures. No two places are the same, so we work with the grain of the place, responding to and reflecting the unique qualities and opportunities of a location. View all Cultural Strategies.
In 2020, *Consultancy was appointed to develop and deliver a comprehensive Public Art Framework for Wakefield. *Consultancy undertook a period of desk-research and consultation with key stakeholders before delivering a series of targeted workshops with cultural institutions, art collectives, infrastructure providers and local authority representatives. The Framework supports Wakefield’s overall vision for delivering an outstanding public art offer that is relevant to local communities and their sense of identity.
In a joint initiative by the Mayor of London and the Mayor of Newham, *Consultancy was appointed to deliver the Royal Docks Cultural Placemaking Strategy. Working in collaboration with the Royal Docks Team and design and planning consultants Fluid, this work included community consultation, stakeholder one-to-ones, workshops with cultural leaders in the area and more widely across London, cultural mapping and policy review.
In 2017 *Consultancy developed the cultural elements of a new Look & Feel Strategy for the City of London. The Culture Mile programme, led by the City of London Corporation and comprising the Barbican, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London Symphony Orchestra and the Museum of London, aims to maximise the area’s rich heritage and cultural assets whilst delivering better wayfinding, signage, green spaces, lighting, public information and contemporary art installations.
*Consultancy was appointed in 2018 to develop a set of Public Art Strategies for the University of Bristol. The first ‘umbrella’ Strategy addressed the entire University, with two further documents tailored to the needs of two distinct areas within its urban campus. The resulting Strategies are purpose built and reflect the ambitions of the University to be experienced as a porous institution, intellectually as well as physically sharing space and place with the wider populations of the city.