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Sinta Tantra (1979)


Sinta Tantra (born 11 November 1979) is a British artist of Balinese descent. She was born in New York on 11 November 1979, and spent her childhood in Indonesia, America and the UK. She graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art, London, in 2003 and completed her postgraduate degree at Royal Academy of Arts in 2006. In the same year, she was awarded the prestigious Deutsche Bank Award in Fine Art. Highly regarded for her site-specific work in the public realm, she has since undertaken commissions that include the Folkestone Triennial (2017), Songdo Tech City (2016), Liverpool Biennial (2012), The Southbank Centre (2008), and TFL Art on the Underground (2007). She held the inaugural Bridget Riley Fellowship 2016–17 at the British School at Rome, is the recipient of the British Council's International Development Award and was shortlisted for the Jerwood Painting Prize. She lives and works between London and Bali.

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British, Balinese