Ryan Mosley (b. 1980, Chesterfield, UK) trained at the University of Huddersfield and the Royal College of Art, London. He lives and works in Sheffield. Recent solo presentations include Anatomy and the Wall, Alison Jacques Gallery, London (2016) The Mirror Never Reflects, Eigen + Art, Berlin (2015) Susanne Vielmetter Projects, Los Angeles (2014); Thoughts of Man, Tierney Gardarin, New York (2013); Reversed Limbo, Eigen + Art, Berlin (2012), Alison Jacques Gallery, London (2011) and Painting Séance, Grand Arts, Kansas City (2010).
His work has featured in significant group shows including Ready for the Stage Act 1 (1900-2016) at the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Germany (2016); Painters' Painters, Saatchi gallery, London (2016) One Day, Something Happens: Paintings of People, Hayward touring exhibition (2015); June: A Painting Show, Sadie Coles HQ, London (2015) The Islanders, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen (2015); Zero Hours, S1 Artspace, Sheffield (2013);Nightfall, Modem Museum, Hungary (2012). His work is included in Vitamin P3: New Perspectives in Painting published by Phaidon (2016); Picturing People published by Thames & Hudson (2015) and 100 Painters of Tomorrow published by Thames & Hudson (2014). Mosley's work is part of the Arts Council Collection, UK; The Saatchi Collection, London and Falckenberg Collection, Hamburg.