Peter Kinley (1926 - 1988) Biography Peter Kinley (16 July 1926 - 1988) was a British artist. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: Austria Nationality: Austrian, British Related person / Organisation / Artist: Gimpel Fils Ltd, London Artworks by Peter Kinley Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Painting Fireside (1975) Peter Kinley Painting Reclining figure - red and black (1957) Peter Kinley Painting Nude (1957) Peter Kinley Painting House with Black and Brown Hill (1981) Peter Kinley You Might Also Like Disco no. 7 (2006) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2013/14 Ship of Fools (2000) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2013 Sunflower and Sun (1942) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1944 Piazza del Popolo, Rome (1920-1945) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1946