Paula Roush (b. Lisbon, Portugal) is a photographer and founder of msdm.studio as well as a lecturer in Photography at the School of Arts and Creative Industries at London Southbank University. She is the author of several photobooks investigating how consciousness becomes a photographic object, including Hypnotic Highway, Nothing to Undo, Bus-Spotting and Super-Private. Roush's work has been featured in numerous publications including: Dear Aby Warburg: What can be done with images?; Dealing with Photographic Material, Order and Collapse: The Lives of Archives and Watching Europe and Beyond: Surveillance, Art and Photography in the New Millennium. msdm.studio works in the intersection of art, design, photographic practice and the ‘everyday’ experience of visual communication – in food, fashion, well-being, education and space regeneration. msdm editions and publications are in many public collections including Victoria & Albert Museum’s National Art Library, London and Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) New York. They’ve also been recognised by Kassel and Arles photobook awards and Sheffield International Artists’ Books Award.