Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose (2016) Biography Details Born: UK Nationality: British Related person / Organisation / Artist: Melanie Rose , Neeta Madahar Website: Visit the Artist's Website Artworks by Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Photograph Paphiopedilum superbiens (from the series Orchid... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Paphiopedilum Insigne (from the series Orchidoma... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Dendrobium Aggregatum (from the series Orchidoma... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Laelia Speciosa (from the series Orchidomania) (... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Bollea Violacea (from the series Orchidomania) (... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Arachnis Cathcartii (from the series Orchidomani... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Dendrobium nobile (from the series Orchidomania)... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose Photograph Phalaenopsis amabilis (from the series Orchidoma... Neeta Madahar & Melanie Rose You Might Also Like The Kiss (2003) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with the support of the Association of... Penally Hill (about 1918) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1923 Miss Jane Tupper-Carey (1897-1982) (about 1920) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1928 Siesta (about 1932) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1938