Matti Kalervo Kujasalo (1946)


Matti Kujasalo (b. Helsinki, Finland 1946) has addressed issues of systematic constructivist art for the past forty years. He has developed a unique grammar of his own, and, based on its rules, he has created a visual language that is expressive, nuanced and imbued with surprise. Kujasalo is one of Finland's best-known artists internationally. He has held solo exhibitions in leading European galleries and museums in Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary, among other countries. He has also represented Finland at the Venice Bienniale and his works are included in the collections of museums such as the Albertina in Vienna, the Arithmeum in Bonn, the Forum Konkrete Kunst Museum in Erfurt, the Joseph Albers Museum in Bottorp, along with numerous private collections in Finland, Scandinavia, other European countries, and the United States. 

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