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John Christopher Monks (1954)


John Christopher Monks (b. Manchester, UK 1954) graduated from Liverpool College of Art (1972-5) and gained a John Moores Scholarship, Liverpool (1975-6). He did his master’s degree at Royal College of Art, London (1977-80). Group exhibitions have included New Contemporaries, where he won a prize, ICA, 1976; New British Painting, Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center, USA, and tour, 1988–9; and Monotypes from the Garner Tullis Workshop, Persons Lindell Gallery, Helsinki, 1989.   His solo shows have included  at Hull College of Art (1981); a series at Paton Gallery, from 1985; Manchester City Art Galleries (1994); and Long & Ryle (2002, 2004 & 2005). In the last show a colossal new work, The Studio – Early Morning, portrayed the artist’s studio. Monks held a number of artist’s residencies in America, Yugoslavia and Spain and in 1992 he made a sustained lecture tour in America starting with Yale Center for British Art, New Haven. York Art Gallery and MIMA hold work of his that was donated by the Contemporary Art Society.






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