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Jenny-Ann Franklin (1949)


Jenny Franklin (b. Durban, South Africa 1949) studied at University of Natal (1967–72) and at the University of Cape Town (1975). She settled in London in 1979, obtaining a postgraduate diploma in art and design from Goldsmiths’ College (1979–80) and a master’s degree in painting, Royal College of Art (1986–8) Then she was at the British School at Rome, (1988–9). For many years FRanklin undertook part-time teaching and travelled widely. She took part in many group shows, solo exhibitions including Artist of the Day, selected by Jennifer Durrant, Flowers East, 1989; and Crane Kalman Gallery from 1991. Graves Art Gallery in Sheffield holds her work which uses a rich and vibrant palette and imagery derived from such subjects as graffiti, textile decorations, mythical birds or fish.




South Africa


South African

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