Eileen E. M. Lawrence (1946) Biography Eileen Lawrence (born 1946) is a Scottish artist. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: UK Nationality: British, Scottish Artworks by Eileen E. M. Lawrence Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Mixed media Dead Gull, Barra Sand (1982) Eileen E. M. Lawrence Prayer Stick (1991) Eileen E. M. Lawrence Drawing and Watercolour Prayer Stick (1977) Eileen E. M. Lawrence Painting Regeneration, Wards Hill, Hoy (1984) Eileen E. M. Lawrence You Might Also Like Nae Sums 1911 (2011) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2012 Dreadnoughts (They Shall Never Pass) (2010) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2012 Dreadnoughts (I advise you to learn Ju-Jitsu) (2... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2012 Dreadnoughts (Agrarian Alchemy/High Rent) (2010) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2012