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Edward 'Ed' Harper (1970)


Ed Harper (b. Southampton, UK 1970) studied at Brighton Polytechnic (1989-1992) and Goldsmiths' College, University of London (1996-98). He had an Exhibitions internship at the Institure for Contemporary Art (ICA), The Mall, London (1992-93). Harper has participated in many national and international group shows between 1990-2017 and his recent solo exhibitions include: What You See is What You Get, Bearspace, London (2006); Systemax, Millais Gallery, Southampton Institute (2005); SuperDrive, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art (Project Space), Sunderland (2004); Metrolink, Mobile Home, London (2002); New Paintings, Mobile Home, London (2001); and Night Paintings, Alfred Camp Gallery, London (2000) where the Contemporary Art Society purchased Gun Street (2000) and presented it to Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens.







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