Colin Crumplin (1946)


Colin Crumplin (b. Hertfordshire, UK 1946) studied at Leicester College of Art (1964-5), Chelsea School of Art (1965-8) and the Slade School of Fine Art (1968-70). From 1970 he has taught at several schools of art, principally Bath Academy of Art - now Bath Spa University - latterly as Reader in Fine Art.  Crumplin held a solo exhibition at Garage, in Earlham Street, Covent Garden, London in September 1975 from which The Sunday Times art critic and elected buyer for the Contemporary Art Society in that year, Marina Vaizey, purchased 10 of his 100 original pencil drawings from Hommage to Queneau (published in a book by Anthony Stokes in 1977). They were later, in 1980, donated by the CAS to the Ulster Museum in Belfast (U2531.1-10). Other solo shows were held at the Salisbury Festival (1985); Axiom Gallery, Cheltenham (1986); and at the Todd Gallery, London and John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton (both 1997). In 2005 a decade of Crumplin’s paintings: 1995–05 were shown at Six Chapel Row Contemporary Art, Bath and the last 20 years of work at Castor, Islington, London in 2024. Group shows have included at John Moores Liverpool Exhibition from 1987; Corsham A Celebration, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath (1988–9); and most recently, Hunted Realism at Gagosian Gallery, London (2022) where another group from the set of Hommage to Queneau were shown.






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